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Surely the Lord is in this place – and I didn’t know it!

Donna Jennings When Jacob awoke, he thought, “Surely the LORD is in this place, and I didn’t know it”. He was afraid and said, “How awesome is…



Lessons from the garden

Charlotte Curran CFC East I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow. 1 Corinthians 3:6 Our first marital home was… well let’s just…



“Thank you God for the Bible”

Ben Cavan – Ballycrochan Presbyterian Church Having run prayer space with Kilmaine Primary School in the past, Ballycrochan Presbyterian Church attempted the same feat in 2022. Sadly, icy weather…



What does the church in Ireland need most today?

Rick Hill – Secretary, Council for Mission in Ireland – PCI Deep down I knew his answer was factually true and biblically faithful, yet something in me was secretly…




Little Fires Everywhere…

Steph McAlinden, The Table, Donegal Do you ever wonder what revival looks like? What it sounds like, how it feels. Is it a big tent on the outskirts of town…



“I myself am going!”

David Turtle – President of the Methodist Church in Ireland.  Throughout the year, as I have travelled to parts of Ireland I’ve never visited before, my admiration for the map…



Fanning the flame on the Year of Prayer

In what was probably the Apostle Paul’s final epistle, written to his young apprentice Timothy, he said:  2 Timothy 1:6-14 For this reason I remind you to fan into flame…



Lord, teach our family to pray…

As a church we have had times of 24-7 prayer for the past 6 years. It began small, as one weekend of continuous prayer. Then over the years, as we…


A Prayer Space but mobile…

I have carried a vision for using prayer spaces within our schools for the past few years. Whilst I ran our first pupil lead space with transition year students last…


A Space for every background and belief to explore and enjoy.

As a schools worker in East Belfast, I can appreciate the value and benefit of a programme but I also see a growing need across our schools for spaces. Spaces…

Share your stories

If you have some stories or news that you would like to share with us, please let us know and we would love to share it with the 24-7 Community.

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