Planted during Lockdown and flourishing still…


 We are a small North-coast community from all different church backgrounds who meet together once every few weeks to worship and pray together. This oddly started during lockdown when a few families and individuals gathered in back gardens and the sand dunes on fair weather days. We missed meeting together in our respective churches and were pretty fatigued with the online life!!

The North-Coast lends itself well to wide open spaces and many of us enjoyed worship, picnics and felt such a hunger to pray for the world at that point. Since everything went back to “normal” and some of us filtered back to our local churches, a remnant remained. We often reflect on the 24/7 Lectio wisdom of the last month and some areas of prayer that the 24/7 prayer movement has highlighted. The gatherings usually happen in one of two places. Our home with three sleeping children upstairs and homely coffee and tea awaiting worshippers, pushed back furniture and printed out scriptures or poems scattered on the floor for inspiration. The other gathering spot is either of our cafes in Coleraine or Portstewart, where again coffee flows easily and often can be more of a neutral venue for people to bring friends too. We believe our mandate is merely to meet and worship and I feel an intercessory heart is being birthed in people of the North coast of Ireland.

Keep an eye on social media for the date of our next prayer night.

Emily & Dave Lynas- NorthCoast Boiler room 

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